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10 Benefits of Raspberries

10 Benefits of Raspberries

Raspberries are not only one of the most beautiful-looking fruits on the planet, ranging from a deep purple-black to golden yellow-orange, but they also happen to be one of the healthiest foods nature has ever thrown our way.

Raspberries provide a plethora of nutritional benefits and, in fact, a single cup serving of fresh raspberries contains more than the minimum recommended dietary allowance of protein, calcium, potassium, and folate.

Nutritionists are usually emphatic in their recommendation of raspberries and for a good reason. They are the ideal fruit for those individuals who lead active lives.

People are onto Raspberries

According to the USDA, the states of California, Oregon, and Washington produced more than 182 million pounds of red and black raspberries in 2014, and by 2015, the average American was consuming 10.25 pounds of Raspberries per year!

And here why that is a good thing:

10 Benefits of Consuming Raspberries

Benefit of Raspberries #1: Anti-Cancer:

Several studies have shown that raspberries contain a large number of essential phytonutrients that are capable of reducing oxidative stress on the body. These “antioxidants” can significantly lower the risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as cancers of the breast, prostate, and rectum.

Benefit of Raspberries #2: Great for the Eyes

Because they contain tons of vitamin C and a compound called zeaxanthin, Raspberries are extremely beneficial in the prevention of loss of vision through macular degeneration, the formation of cataracts, and glaucoma.

Benefit of Raspberries #3: Good for the Heart

Raspberries are recommended for hypertensive patients since the potassium they contain helps to keep blood pressure in check. Regular consumption of raspberries also promotes capillary integrity and can reduce coagulation disorders.

Benefit of Raspberries #4: Healthy Pregnancies:

One of the most essential nutrients during pregnancy is folic acid. So much so, that a deficit of folic acid in the weeks leading up to conception has been linked with an increased incidence of birth defects. If you are pregnant or just thinking of having a baby, it would behoove you to add raspberries to your daily diet.

Benefit of Raspberries #5: Prevents Diabetes

Raspberries’ skin has a ton of fiber. Fiber-rich diets have been repeatedly linked to more stable blood sugar levels and a healthier body weight. If you are diabetic, daily consumption of raspberries will likely help you manage your insulin.

Benefit of Raspberries #6: Fantastic for your Bladder

Raspberries, like all other berries, are mostly water by weight. By consuming more raspberries, you will more easily flush out your kidneys and enjoy a healthier urinary tract.

10 Benefits of Raspberries - The Nutrient

Benefit of Raspberries #7: Great for Post-workouts

People who work out regularly have to deal with increased inflammatory response. Sore muscles occur when microscopic tears form along their fibers, which produces a great deal of inflammation. Thankfully, raspberries provide a wide variety of anti-inflammatory compounds.

Benefit of Raspberries #8: Anti-Allergenic

A healthy immune system needs lots of Vitamin C, and raspberries have that in spades. The more raspberries you eat, the less likely you will have allergic reactions.

Benefit of Raspberries #9: Great for your Brain

Raspberry consumption has been linked with improved cognitive function. The elderly, in particular benefit from eating raspberries regularly.

Benefit of Raspberries #10: Improve Fertility

Raspberries are a particularly rich source of Magnesium, which is one of the most essential nutrients for the reproductive organs. Men are particularly receptive to these benefits, and raspberries have been linked to healthier sperm.

Raspberries are deliciously tart and can be consumed in a variety of ways. If you are at a loss as to how to best prepare them, try the following:

  • Raspberry Smoothie: Blend some fresh raspberries, a chopped banana, some greek yogurt, honey, and some chia seeds until creamy.
  • Spring Raspberry Salad: Believe it or not, raspberries are fantastic in savory salads. Raspberry vinaigrettes are great, but if you want a treat, add a handful of raspberries and toasted walnuts to your favorite mix of greens.
  • Raspberry Tea: Raspberry tea is made with the loose leaves of the fruit. Boil a cup of water and add about 2 teaspoons of raspberry leaves. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Raspberry tea is quite acidic, so add honey if you prefer a sweeter tea.
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Hello there! Hello, my name is Eleonora, and I'm a health- and fitness-obsessed foodie. My dietary adventure began when I was around 14 years old because of my impaired immune system and the loss of a spleen when I was 5 years old. The last three decades of my life have been spent learning about alternative medicine and nutritional therapy on my own accord, driven by my curiosity about my own situation. The natural world around us is full of resources for physical and mental wellness, and I'm here to share what I've learned in the hopes of inspiring others to do the same.


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